Do Possums Carry Rabies?

Do Possums Carry Rabies

Many people find possums scary, even threatening—and that’s perfectly understandable. After all, possums (also known as “opossums”) have those frightening-looking teeth that they’re all too happy to bare when surprised in their natural habitat—which might, unfortunately, include your backyard. They also use an intimidating hissing sound to scare off potential predators. But do these small animals deserve their bad reputation?

Do Possums Carry Rabies?

Many people have limited knowledge about them and might wonder: Do possums carry rabies? Do possums attack? Do they bite humans? To answer these questions, let’s learn a little more about this somewhat misunderstood creature.

Facts About Possums

Possums are smallish animals, about the size of a cat, with long tails, pointy faces, and grayish-white fur. They are marsupials —animals like kangaroos- carrying their young in a pouch on the mother’s belly. And while possums are often seen as pests, they’re quiet animals that usually don’t threaten humans , pets, or property. One could even view possums as helpful animals since they “clean up” (meaning consume) everything from insects to rotten fruit that has fallen from trees and trash left behind by marauding raccoons.

The fact that possums seem scary is no coincidence. They want you to back away because they’re scared of you ! Yes, when possums bare their teeth and make that awful hissing sound, they hope you’ll fall for their frightening display and leave them alone. If their bluffing doesn’t work, they will likely switch to Plan B— playing dead (hence the phrase “playing possum”).

Do Possums Attack or Bite Humans?

While encountering a possum in your yard can be pretty startling, possums are not naturally aggressive . Since they’re also relatively slow-moving , other animals are far more likely to be a threat to them than vice versa. That’s why possums developed their self-protective strategies of pretended aggression and playing dead in the face of danger.

Furthermore, possums are usually not the culprit if you’re dealing with overturned garbage cans or dug-up garden beds . It’s more likely that raccoons or neighborhood dogs got into your trash, and while possums do eat grubs and other undesirable insects, they won’t typically destroy your yard.

Do Possums Carry Rabies or Other Diseases?

Possums are good at pretending to be a far more significant threat than they are, and sometimes people can mistake their tooth-baring, seemingly aggressive behavior as a sign of rabies. But the truth is that possums are unlikely to have rabies . With a robust immune system and a body temperature significantly lower than other mammals, they aren’t good rabies hosts.

That being said, possums can be carriers of several other diseases , including tuberculosis, spotted fever, and toxoplasmosis. They may also be infested with fleas or ticks that can be disease-carrying, which might find ways to transfer from their possum hosts to your pets or even your home.

Ways to Possum-Proof Your Yard

Whether possums are aggressive and disease-ridden, it’s perfectly reasonable not to want them to take up residence in your yard, under your porch, or anywhere else around your living space. Here are some ways to keep possums away from your home and property:

If a possum happens to get into your home, try not to be afraid. Remember, they aren’t aggressive. But while some brave souls might encourage the possum to head back outside by shooing them toward an open door with a broom, it’s probably a better idea to call a wildlife removal expert and resolve the problem professionally.

ABC Can Help Remove Wildlife From Your Property

Although possums may be generally non-aggressive and not a massive threat to humans, they can certainly be an unwanted nuisance. They can even cause damage to your property if they burrow under a porch or shed to make a den. If this happens to you, don’t worry — ABC rodent control can help! We’re experts in wildlife removal and take care of unwanted animal visitors to your home as promptly as possible.

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