Geometric Design
Geometric design refers to the dimensions and arrangements of the visible features of a roadway. This includes pavement widths, horizontal and vertical alignment, slopes channelization, intersections and other features that can significantly affect the operations, safety and capacity of the roadway network. The geometric design of the roadway should be consistent with the intended functional classification of the highway, and fit the characteristics and needs of all of its users. ITE provides a variety of tools and training materials that address the importance of integrating geometric design, traffic operations and safety in differing contexts.
ITE Publications
- Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach – Paperback | Electronic
- Freeway and Interchange Design Handbook
- Guidelines for the Design and Application of Speed Humps and Tables
- Highway Rail Grade Crossing Handbook
- Implementing Context Sensitive Design Handbook
- Improving the Pedestrian Environment Through Innovative Transportation Design
- Neighborhood Street Design Guidelines
- Protected Bikeways Practitioners Guide - Paperback | Electronic
- Self-Enforcing Roadways: A Guidance Report
- Traffic Calming ePrimer
- Unsignalized Intersection Improvement Guide
- Urban Street Geometric Design Handbook
Professional Development Courses on Geometric Design
ITE offers a wide variety of professional development and training opportunities on geometric design.
- ITE Learning Hub
- Managing Speed: Self-Enforcing Roadway Concepts - ITE Community
- PTOE Module 4—Elements of Geometric Design - ITE Community
- Recommended Design Guidelines to Accommodate Pedestrians and Bicycles at Interchanges Webinar
- Roundabout Design and Construction Web seminar - ITE Community
- Sight Triangle and Corner Clearance Polices at Intersections and Driveways
ITE Committees
- Joint Rail Grade Crossing Committee
- Roundabout Task Force
Other Resources
- A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 6th Ed
- Design and Engineering Pedestrian-Bicycle Information Center
- ITE Accessible Intersections
- ITE Traffic Calming
- ITE Traffic Engineering
2024 Copyright Institute of Transportation Engineers
1627 Eye Street, NW, Suite 550 | Washington, DC 20006
Telephone: +1 202-785-0060 | Email: