Hahns Atelier

Outer Leather: Black Wax Buttero 4oz
Inner Leather: Buttero Natural 2oz
Leather pricking iron : 5mm spacing
Hole punch : 5mm diameter
Small shape punches (Optional)
Glue : Kenda adhesive
Rivet (6mm in diameter) X2
Sandpaper 400 grit
Edge beveler
Thread : Vinymo MBT #5
Needle : John james needle #4
Flat awl
Wing divider
Wood slicker
Tokonole (Burnishing Gum)
Melamine foam

Step 1: Prepare the Pattern

Please download and print out the pattern that I uploaded here.

Pattern download :
PDF (A4)
PDF (8.5"x 11") (The PDF included a A4 and US letter size) IMPORTANT : Please set your printer 100% actual size option.

Then, cut out the pattern with some margin.

Step 2: Cut the Leather

1.5mm thick Black Wax Buttero The surface is black because of the wax. If you polish up the surface, the color of the leather is exposed. Cut out the leather slightly larger than the pattern panels. Step 3: Make Leather Harder

The leather becomes much more stiff if you glue two pieces of leather together. If you're using harder leather, you don't need any reinforcement. If you're using soft thin leather, reinforce the leather using Bontex, LB, or other stiffners.