Comparator Classes are used to compare the objects of user-defined classes. In order to develop a generic function use template , and in order to make the function more generic use containers , so that comparisons between data can be made.
Explanation: The above comparator function operator() class take two pair of objects at a time and return true if data members of the two operators are the same. There can be any condition as per the need of the problem in the comparator function. In the above example, the function returns true if data members are the same.
For implementing Linear Search on the array elements, searching an integer in a given array can be implemented easily. But searching any element on user defined data type can’t be implemented easily as in case of array. In this case, the comparator class is used to implement it. Below is the program for the same:
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Let us take another example of using Comparator class for sorting , suppose the task is to sort an array of objects based on its attributes value, then the idea is to create a custom comparator class in which the function on which the sorting has to be done can be mentioned. Then, it can be passed as an argument in sort() function.
Harshit Raj Prerna
Given an array arr[] of N dates in the form of "DD-MM-YYYY", the task is to sort these dates in ascending order. Examples: Input: arr[] = < "25-08-1996", "03-08-1970", "09-04-1994" >Output: 03-08-1970 09-04-1994 25-08-1996 Input: arr[] = < "03-08-1970", "09-04-2020", "19-04-2019"">Output: 03-08-1970 19-04-2019 09-04-2020 Approach: Create a Custom
6 min read Sort and separate odd and even numbers in an Array using custom comparatorGiven an array arr[], containing N elements, the task is to sort and separate odd and even numbers in an Array using a custom comparator. Example: Input: arr[] = < 5, 3, 2, 8, 7, 4, 6, 9, 1 >Output: 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 Input: arr[] = < 12, 15, 6, 2, 7, 13, 9, 4 >Output: 2 4 6 12 7 9 13 15 Approach: As we know std::sort() is used for sorting in increa
5 min read Map and External Sorting Criteria/Comparator in C++ STLC++ Map is another commonly used STL container, it stores elements in a mapped fashion. Each element is stored as a pair having a key value and a mapped value. No two mapped values can have the same key values which means each key is unique. By default, key values in the map are in lexicographically sorted order. The map has two parts one is a key
4 min read Count number of pairs with the given ComparatorGiven an array arr[], the task is to count the number of pairs (arr[i], arr[j]) on the right of every element with any custom comparator. Comparator can be of any type, some of them are given below - arr[i] > arr[j], where i < j arr[i] < arr[j], where i 2 * arr[j], where i < j Examples: Input: arr[] = <5, 4, 3, 2, 1>, comp = arr[i] >5,>
15+ min read Comparator in C++In C++, a comparator is a function or a function (an object that acts like a function) that is used to compare elements. It is widely used in sorting algorithms or in data structures like std::sort or std::priority_queue to define custom sorting orders. It can be used to define specific rules for comparing elements, influencing the order in which t
10 min read Comparator function of qsort() in CStandard C library provides qsort() that can be used for sorting an array. As the name suggests, the function uses QuickSort algorithm to sort the given array. Following is the prototype of qsort() void qsort (void* base, size_t num, size_t size, int (*comparator)(const void*,const void*));Comparator Function in qsort() The key point about qsort()
4 min read How to Initialize Multiset with Custom Comparator in C++?In C++, a multiset container stores the data in a sorted order. By default, this order is increasing order (using < operator as comparator) but we can change this order by providing a custom comparator. In this article, we will learn how to initialize a multiset with a custom comparator function in C++. For Example, Input: 1 8 6 4 9 3 2 5 7 Outp
2 min read How to Use Custom Comparator with Set in C++?In C++, sets are associative containers that store unique elements in some sorted order. By default, set store data in increasing order but we can change this using a custom comparator. In this article, we will learn, how to declare a set with a custom comparator in C++ STL. Example Input: Data = <1, 5, 3, 4, 2>Output: mySet = Decla1,>
2 min read How to Sort a Vector Using a Custom Comparator in C++?In C++, vectors are containers that store data in contiguous memory locations just like arrays. But unlike arrays vectors can change their size dynamically during the runtime. In this article, we will learn how to sort a vector using a custom comparator in C++. Example: Input:myVector = <5, 2, 8, 1, 4>Output:myVector = Sort a Vector5,>
2 min read Custom Comparator for Multimap in C++In C++ multimap is a container to store key-value pairs allowing duplicate keys which is not allowed in a map container. By default, the multimap container uses the less than '<' operator to compare the keys for ordering the entries but also allows the use of the custom comparator. In this article, we will learn how to use a multimap with a cust
2 min read How to Declare Comparator For Set of Pair in C++?Prerequisites: Set in C++Pair in C++The set in STL has the property that it stores only the distinct values in the sorted order if the datatype is an integer, in lexicographically smallest to largest if the data type is a string. If the datatype is pair the set keeps the distinct pairs only with the pairs sorted on the basis of the first element of
3 min read Custom Comparator in Priority_queue in C++ STLPrerequisites: Priority Queue in C++Heap in C++Min Heap and Max Heap Priority_queue<template datatype> is a very famous STL Container generally used when we need to use Heap Data structure. The Characteristics of the heap data structure are: O(1) or constant time retrieval of min/max in the list.O(log N) time for insertion and deletion.Syntax
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2 min read wcscpy() function in C++ with ExamplesThe wcscpy() function is defined in cwchar.h header file. The wcscpy() function is used to copy a wide character string from source to destination. Syntax: wchar_t *wcscpy(wchar_t *dest, const wchar_t *src); Parameters: This method accepts the following two parameters: dest: specifies the pointer to the destination array. src: specifies the pointer
1 min read wcscmp() function in C++ with ExamplesThe wcscmp() function is defined in cwchar.h header file. The wcscmp() function is used to compares two null terminating wide string and this comparison is done lexicographically. Syntax: int wcscmp(const wchar_t* str1, const wchar_t* str2); Parameters: This method takes the following two parameters: str1: This represents the pointer to the first s
2 min read String matches() Method in Java with ExamplesVariants of matches() method is used to tell more precisely not test whether the given string matches to a regular expression or not as whenever this method is called in itself as matches() or be it matches() where here we do pass two arguments that are our string and regular expression, the working and output remains same. Variants of String match
4 min read ratio_equal() in C++ with examplesThe ratio_equal() is an inbuilt function in C++ STL that checks if two given ratios are equal or not. Syntax: template < class ratio1_name, class ratio2_name > ratio_equal Template Parameters: The function accepts two template parameters ratio1 and ratio2 which are to be compared. Return value: The function returns true if the ratios are equa
1 min read std::equal_to in C++ with ExamplesThe std::equal_to allows the equality comparison to be used as a function, which means that it can be passed as an argument to templates and functions. This is not possible with the equality operator == since operators cannot be passed as parameters.Header File: #include <functional.h> Template Class: template struct equal_to : binary_functio