How to deal with parties that disregard court orders

contempt of court

One of the most frustrating times for litigants is when a court issues an order against their adversary and it is ignored with impunity. In many cases, the non-compliant litigant is given several chances to adhere to the court’s order without facing sanctions. Watching your adversary flout the rules and treat court orders as suggestions can make the innocent litigant feel as if the court’s orders can be undermined or ignored. This angst gives rise to frustration, bewilderment and the question: is there a way to deal (effectively) with parties that disregard court orders?

An example of how frustrating it can be to enforce compliance by an adverse party is found in 2363523 Ontario Inc. v Nowack, 1 where the defendant did not provide an accounting required by court judgment and failed to produce documents and answer undertakings given at his examination. After the plaintiff brought a contempt motion, it took five court appearances over a nearly year and a half year span before the defendant was ultimately sentenced for contempt.

Our office recently brought a successful contempt motion on behalf of a client in circumstances where the adverse party failed to comply with an order requiring him to re-attend for an examination in aid of execution and produce documents. 2 The court held the adverse party in contempt, ordered him to pay a fine of $5,000 in the event he did not purge his contempt by complying with the order, and awarded substantial indemnity costs in favour of our client. In this blog, we have drawn on this success to offer some suggestions for successful contempt motions and address some of the challenges that may arise in establishing that a party has acted in contempt.

Contempt of Court

A finding of contempt is a declaration that a person has acted in breach of a court order. The purpose of contempt proceedings is to uphold the authority of the courts and the rule of law.

All contempt proceedings are quasi-criminal in nature, but broadly speaking there are two types of contempt: civil contempt and criminal contempt.

A person who simply breaches a court order, for example by failing to abide by visiting hours stipulated in a child custody order, is viewed as having committed civil contempt. However, when the element of public defiance of the court’s process in a way calculated to lessen societal respect for the courts is added to the breach, it becomes criminal. 3

Civil contempt has three elements: 4

  1. The order alleged to have been breached must state clearly and unequivocally what should and should not be done;
  2. The party alleged to have breached the order must have had actual knowledge of it; and
  3. The party allegedly in breach must have intentionally done the act that the order prohibits or intentionally failed to do the act the order compels.

However, simply meeting the test above does not necessarily ensure a finding of contempt. The contempt power is discretionary and courts have consistently discouraged its routine use to obtain compliance with court orders. The remedy is to be used cautiously and as a matter of last resort. 5

Procedural Protections Afforded to Alleged Contemnors

It is also important to note that due to the quasi-criminal nature of the remedy, the courts afford alleged contemnors a number of procedural protections that are not customary for most civil remedies. Some of these are set out below.

i. Standard of Proof

A case of civil or criminal contempt must meet the criminal standard of proof, that is, it must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. 6 This is unique in civil proceedings, where the standard of proof is normally the balance of probabilities.

ii. No contempt for non-payment of money

The contempt provisions cannot be used to hold someone in contempt of court who has not complied with an order to pay a sum of money, since imprisonment for debt has been abolished.

In Ontario, the Rules of Civil Procedure provide that a contempt order may only be obtained to enforce an order requiring a person to do an act other than the payment of money. 7 However, if you take steps with your assets (including your money) that are in breach of a court order, that could still be considered contempt depending on the circumstances.

iii. Strict evidentiary requirements

The courts have been very strict with respect to the evidence establishing that the respondent was indeed subject to a court order. Thus an arbitration award which merely recognizes a settlement reached by the parties does not constitute an order, the contravention of which could give rise to contempt of court. 8

iv. Charter Protections

Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies to civil contempt proceedings because they are penal in nature. Contempt proceedings must therefore afford an alleged contemnor “all necessary safeguards”. The proceeding must preserve the principles of fundamental justice by safeguarding the right to be presumed innocent and the right to make full answer and defence. 9

Due to the application of the Charter to civil contempt proceedings, an alleged contemnor cannot be compelled to testify. 10

v. Personal service

Under Rule 60.11(2) of the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure, a notice of motion for a contempt motion must be served personally on the contemnor.

vi. Adequacy of Notice

On a motion for contempt the notice of motion must set forth concrete facts of a nature to identify the particular acts alleged to constitute contempt with sufficient particularity to permit the defendant to purge the contempt. 11

Things to remember when seeking a contempt order

As shown above, obtaining a contempt order has its challenges in light of the serious nature of the remedy and corresponding procedural protections given to the respondent. A recent successful contempt motion that our office was involved in leads to the following reminders that may be helpful to counsel considering such a motion:

1. Schedule the hearing date with ample time to serve the respondent(s) personally

As stated above, a notice of motion for a contempt order must be personally served. Remember to leave sufficient lead-up time to the hearing of the motion to effect personal service, particularly in instances where the respondent does not have counsel and may be difficult to locate.

2. Be ready to make submissions on the appropriate sanction

The court may or may not schedule a separate hearing for sentencing/sanction in the event that the respondent is found in contempt. In the event that the court does not bifurcate the hearing and your client is successful on the contempt motion, it is advisable to be ready with submissions on the appropriate court sanction, possibly including the custodial sentence that you intend to seek. There is a large range of sanctions available for contempt, including fines, community service, or jail time up to five years (very rare). 12

3. File a factum

Given the seriousness of the remedy, it is advisable to file a factum on the contempt motion even if the respondent is unresponsive.

4. Seek substantial indemnity costs

There is a rebuttable presumption that substantial indemnity costs are appropriate where a party is found liable for contempt. 13 So don’t forget your costs outline!


Despite the challenges and frustrations that are so often part of dealing with a litigant that disregards court orders, a contempt motion can be an effective way to enforce compliance when handled correctly. We do caution you, however, that contempt proceedings are to be used as a last resort, and as such it is advisable to carefully consider the circumstances of your case with the assistance of knowledgeable counsel before bringing a contempt motion.

  1. 2016 ONSC 2518 (CanLII). ↵
  2. 2545056 Ontario Inc. v 2185859 Ontario Inc. Court File No. CV-17-283 ↵
  3. United Nurses of Alberta v. Alberta (Attorney General), 1992 CanLII 99 (SCC), (1992) 1 SCR 901. ↵
  4. Carey v. Laiken, 2015 SCC 17 at paras 32-35 ↵
  5. Carey v. Laiken, 2015 SCC 17 (CanLII) at para. 36. ↵
  6. Vidéotron Ltée v. Industries Microlec Produits Électroniques Inc., 1992 CanLII 29 (SCC), (1992) 2 SCR 1065. ↵
  7. Rules of Civil Procedure, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 19, Rule 60.11(1). ↵
  8. Vidéotron Ltée v. Industries Microlec Produits Électroniques Inc., 1992 CanLII 29 (SCC), (1992) 2 SCR 1065. ↵
  9. 2363523 Ontario Inc. v. Nowack, 2016 ONCA 951 at para. 37. ↵
  10. Vidéotron Ltée v. Industries Microlec Produits Électroniques Inc., 1992 CanLII 29 (SCC), (1992) 2 SCR 1065. ↵
  11. Mercedes-Benz Financial (DCFS Canada Corp.) v. Kovacevic, 2009 CanLII 9368 (ON SC) at para. 21. ↵
  12. Chiang (Re) , 2009 ONCA 3 (CanLII) at para. 11 ↵
  13. Astley v. Verdun, 2013 ONSC 6734 (CanLII) at para. 57. ↵

Peter Askew

Peter Askew was a partner at Wagner Sidlofsky LLP and a member of the firm’s Estate and Commercial Litigation Groups.

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Google Reviews

Google Rating Dre Nnamdi 19:11 15 Aug 24

Spoke to Charles and he served me some cold hard truth about my situation with my home and mortgage. Even though it’s hard to hear, it’s the best no-bullshit advice & consultation I’ve got. Thanks a lot Charles!& Thanks Bradley for the referral, much appreciated. Great team!

Tammy Ferraro 20:05 29 Jul 24

The passing of 2 family members within three months of each other was unbearable, especially when it's a sibling and a parent. Having to navigate the estate by myself was intimidating and new territory. Self-education and asking the right questions to my legal team allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just before the first anniversary, I received a notice that a civil litigation suit was being brought against me for my inheritance based out of Eastern Ontario. Living in Northern Ontario, I could not find anyone to take the case. I searched the internet for firms specializing in estate law. I reached out to Wagner Sidlofsky LLP. The following day, I was connected with Mr. Peter Nuefeld. His professionalism, kind words, and direction helped give me a sense of calm and strength. Following his requests felt accessible and empowering. My questions and concerns were answered and address always. The result was positive, as the suit was dropped. My gratitude to this firm and Mr. Neufeld will never be forgotten. Lastly, I would like to thank Mr. Robert Addario, the Law Clerk, for taking my phone calls and emails. Your kindness has not gone unnoticed.

Anastasia kostopoulos 19:44 19 Oct 23

As an Urban Planner, I accomplish excellence in each project by acknowledging its unique qualities. It is rare to find a Lawyer these days that treats and resolves their cases with that attribute in mind. Charles Wagner has done just that! He listens, then uses critical thinking skills and combines them with the pertinent legal framework available in order to provide a practical, essential solution to the case involved. If you are looking for professionalism with essence and straight forward solutions, this is your law firm.

19:09 12 Sep 23

Wonderful. I'd left a message for Mr. Wagner, and he called me back same day. He answered my questions about the probate case I'm going through, offered insight, and gave me hope! Tough, knowledgeable, kind. he will be your advocate!

Roma Baran 19:18 18 May 23

Hershel Sahian = Tenacious, ProfessionalExcellence Exemplified !!Our case involved a dispute with our neighbour who refused to pay his one-half share of the cost of reconstruction of our division fence, as well as his refusal to move a wrongly situated shed between our properties.Despite numerous requests and our serving him with a Notice Letter, he refused to resolve matters amicably, and hired a paralegal in an attempt to intimidate us. At this point, we decided it was time to pull out the big guns. We called Hershel !Without hesitation, Hershel issued a Claim with the Small Claims Court and filed a Complaint with the City regarding the shed. Upon inspection, the City ordered the neighbour to move his shed.A Settlement Conference was set by the Court to deal with the non-payment for the fence. Interestingly, the neighbour was now being represented by his daughter, not the paralegal. Just days prior to the Settlement Conference, the neighbour offered to settle the matter for an amount less than what was now owing. Hershel refused to entertain such an offer and demanded full damages, interest and costs.At the Settlement Conference, in addition to an Order that the neighbour pay full damages, interest and costs, Hershel requested a formal Judgment against the neighbour. During the Conference, the neighbour’s daughter attempted to elicit sympathy from the Court, repeating several times the fact that she had no legal training. The Judge was reluctant to grant the Judgement, however, Hershel would not take “no” for an answer and advised we were fully prepared to proceed to trial.The result? The Judge made the Order, granted the Judgment, and the neighbour paid the full damages, interest and costs.Hershel always kept us fully advised. He made his position to the opposing side clear from day one and never wavered from his course of action, Hershel is tenacious, yet conducted himself in a highly professional manner throughout the litigation process.Hershel brings years of experience in many areas of law to the table. We are grateful for his counsel and have no hesitation in highly recommending him to anyone looking for a greatcounsellor and litigator.Thank you Hershel . Roma & Michael Baran

John Collins 21:16 17 Apr 23

Further to having been appointed as Executor of a deceased relative's Will, who had been a resident of the United States, I was faced with the daunting task of administering a rather complicated estate.The situation was further compounded by the fact I live in the United Kingdom and a number of the interests were located in different countries. One of which was a savings account held with TD Canada Trust and contained a considerable sum.Upon initial contact with TD's estates department I quickly learned why this particular institution had earned a reputation for being notoriously difficult and obstructive when dealing with such matters.Confronted by such surreptitious practices I decided to seek legal counsel.Having been attracted by Wagner and Sidlofsky's online reviews and an equally impressive initial consultation with David Wagner, I had no hesitation in enlisting the firm's services.Ably assisted by Mady Kinnear, I experienced what can only be described as an exemplary standard of professionalism. All communications were concise, clear and extremely prompt.David's experience in conjunction with his attention to detail anticipated every difficulty and allayed any concerns I had previously held regarding a satisfactory outcome.Words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation I will always have for the impeccable support I received throughout the process.Consequently, I highly recommend the firm of Wagner Sidlofsky to any other prospective clients.

Angie Carboni 07:21 08 Nov 22

Dear MuktaI can’t thank both of you at Wagner Sidlofsky enough, for the sound advice that you gave me today, during my free consultation, regarding my application, and process in my becoming my mothers power of attorney (legal guardian).I truly appreciated the honesty, pertaining to the application which I made, with the Ontario’s guardian and public trustee, you both truly gave me peace of mind regarding how I should proceed.Something that is not regularly found these days, but much needed in these times. Once again thank you and God bless both of you. I highly recommend your services to anyone who needs honest objective sound advice that think of your clients needs, before your own financial needs.SincerelyAngela Carboni

christine labelle 16:31 29 Aug 22

The decision to work with any law firm can be quite overwhelming. I recently worked with James regarding an issue after the death of a treasured family member. After questionable use of funds by the power of attorney, the decision was made to file a civil suit. James Dunphy is extremely knowledgeable and kind. My questions, concerns, phone calls and emails were always promptly returned. He helped me feel empowered and supported to see this issue through to completion. I would highly recommend this law firm and James in particular, for the high level of professionalism. Thank you to Mr. Wagner for connecting James and myself.

17:42 11 Nov 21

James Dunphy and Brad Phillips worked on my family's estate litigation case and I was not only pleased with the result but, was impressed with the level of focus and detail that they invested in representing our family's interests.James is a pragmatic lawyer who analyzes every detail presented to him and is exceptionally articulate. Clearly, he outranks the competition by leaps and bounds.Brad's extensive experience and strategic thinking was instrumental in achieving our goals. He is candid and very approachable.I truly felt that we worked as a team and that I was respected as a client. I would not hesitate to refer this firm to those in need of litigation services.

Carol Spivak 22:27 06 Oct 21

Words cannot express what fine individuals David and Adin Wagner are. During a traumatic and turbulent moment in my life, David and Adin provided excellent, courteous and professional care. They corresponded with concise feedback and easily understood information. They were always available to provide support when needed, and gave me peace of mind . I never felt alone, they treated me with dignity, and gave me the confidence that my late husband’s estate would be looked after in a proper manner. Needless to say, my engagements with them ended with a very satisfactory outcome. I can’t recommend this law firm enough.

Anet Landoi 07:13 01 Jul 21

Hershel Sahian is an excellent lawyer. I would highly recommend him to anyone in need of a litigator. He took the initiative with my lawsuit. I never had to remind him, run after him or worry that he wasn’t paying attention to my case. He treated my case diligently and aggressively. There is no question that he will not allow his clients to be pushed around. I was very pleased with how quickly my lawsuit was resolved and the outcome exceeded my expectations. If you want a lawyer you can trust to fight for you, Hershel is the man who will get the job done.

Cristina C 17:05 12 May 21

The 5 start system does not do justice to Peter Askew who is outstanding all around: very knowledgeable, prompt , transparent in what he charges , detailed oriented and very bright. I have dealt with lawyers previously in my divorce and also for my current real estate litigation case, before I retained Peter A. He is in another league altogether. He worked on my case as soon as he was receiving documents from me , no delays, no excuses , no “ competing priorities”. Very honest and hard working . I love his humble demeanor contrasting with strong actions and documents . Peter A. thought of all possibilities that the counterpart could have come up with and he prepared for everything, nothing was left to chance . I expected way more trouble with my case but I think we were so well prepared that the counterpart did not have much chances. The bill at the end was fair and very detailed which is also quite rare.

Peter Qiao 23:13 25 Feb 21

I called to inquire about a possible litigation regarding a house which was purchased last year. They actually pick up the phone unlike many other firms, I had a lawyer call me back after just 2 hours. I was given a FREE consultation during which I was offered a sympathetic ear followed by informative and unbiased advices. Would certainly recommend them and call them back should I choose to proceed further.

Sabrina De Bartolo 15:41 15 Feb 21

Words cannot describe the professionalism and expertise we experienced through working with this firm. Charles Wagner is one of a kind. He provided us with sound, clear, and practical legal advice. When you are in distress, it is difficult to think clearly and make good decisions.Charles explained the law, outlined in clear language the steps in the process that where needed to be done. He was reassuring, articulate, knowledgeable and effective. Charles made the process so much easier and gave us peace of mind in a stressful but successful outcome. If I could give this firm more than 5 stars I would! Thank you!

Khaled Elzaabalawi 07:23 10 Dec 20

Wagner Sidlofsky LLP is a very highly professional and dedicated Law Firm. The team is very highly qualified with strong negotiation skills. In my personal opinion I consider my case to be a study case in Breach of contract from the seller's part , The team helped me out to achieve a very satisfactory deal through their experience and skills which saved me a very lengthy litigation. I highly recommend their consultations in any case which may require negotiation and litigation.

Karen Pillon 04:35 24 Nov 20

We have been dealing with Wagner Sidlofsky LLP for the past 3 years. I am extremely grateful to this firm for guiding & directing our family through a difficult litigation. Our case was won by highly skilled & professional litigators Bradley Philips & David Wagner. This firm has a lot of expertise in Estate Law & litigation matters.

A Google User 14:21 14 Sep 20

I recently used them. They were exceptionally efficient, and timely. Emails were ALAWYS answered within one business day, often the same day. The advice that Charles Wagner & James Dunphy gave always practical, and the options they presented were cost effective.I highly recommend Wagner Sidlofsky

19:51 02 Sep 20

Great client service , extremely friendly , punctual and knowledgeable.No charge for a phone consult , very nice & informative.I will definitely keep them in my contact list.

Sunita Cooper 18:17 30 Jun 20

Amazing lawyers. Extremely responsive. We dealt with Gregory and David. Anytime we called they answered right away with the exception of only one or two times. The times we left a voicemail, our call was returned within the same hour or less. Both David and Gregory were both very upfront on all matters. In only my personal opinion, they are not in the business of taking advantage or wasting a client's time or money. They are realistic, straight to the point, and honest. Amazing job gentlemen! If you want professionalism, honesty and someone who will go above and beyond for your interests, this is definitely the firm to trust.

Aysha Kolyada 02:10 29 Feb 20

Within 10min of leaving a message requesting consultation on enforcement of foreign judgements in Ontraio; Mr. James Dunphy gave me a call and answered all my questions. Excellent service and highly recommended. Thank you so much for your time and knowledge. MO

A Google User 21:45 11 Dec 19

Normally, I don’t write reviews. However, you are likely doing what I had to do; conducting an investigation to find the right law firm in an ocean of law firms. I live in New York and I wanted expert legal representation in Canada. I retained the firm of Wagner Sidlofsky LLP.My case involved Estate Litigation with a member of my own family in Canada and I imagine that these types of cases can be even more challenging since there are personal and emotional aspects.Following his initial assessment, Charles Wagner identified key considerations for pursuing a legal course but made clear that all decisions were mine to take without pretense of guarantees. This principal was always implicitly understood.All actions that were taken were discussed and agreed upon in alignment with our overall game plan so that I always felt matters were entirely under control. Communications were two-way. They didn’t waste my time and were very responsive to the invariable twists in the road.Wagner Sidlofsky LLP is a professional, pro-active team offering expert, value-added legal services that you might only read about - as it happens, in a review.

Miwha Stevenson 17:44 28 Oct 19

Most of us seek legal resolution as a last recourse, when we are in a dark place, feeling betrayed and disappointed by those whom we had trusted. Talking to Mr. Charles Wagner left me with a renewed hope for humanity, and I am not being frivolous when I make that statement. Not only was he deeply engaged in thinking through my situation as a legal predicament, an attentiveness that clearly stems from his professional expertise and long experience, but perhaps more importantly, he demonstrated in action how someone would help a complete stranger for no other reason than to do the right thing out of the goodness of his heart. It was much more than a professional consultation, and I will always be most grateful to Mr. Wagner for showing me an example of the kindly and the righteous.

Toras Emes 18:32 27 Oct 19

We were extremely happy with the service and first rate legal advice provided to us by the staff at Wagner Sidlofsky. We could not have been happier with the resolution of our case.

Rob Fairlie 21:00 11 Oct 19

I recently met with Mr. Wagner, Mr. Stroh, and Mr. Askew for a consultation. I was very impressed with their knowledge, professionalism and honesty. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of their services.

Rosedale Child 11:24 16 Aug 19

I am very impressed with Mr Charles Wagner.Initially, I emailed him last night at 10:09 pm asking to meet him today for consultations.He immediately replied (in 25 minutes, at 10:34 pm!) instructing me to call his assistant to book an appointment with her phone number included.When I emailed his assistant this early morning at 7:25 am, she immediately replied (at 8:26 am) before their office even opened, offering me an appointment for today at 1 pm!When I met Mr Charles Wagner (today 2019-08-15) I was impressed with his expertise in estate litigation and professionalism.Furthermore, he showed kindness and compassion for my situation and very clearly explained to me my options.He gave me excellent and most helpful referral for my specific needs.It amazed me that he genuinely cared to help me and was most helpful and honest, pleasant and patient, a great listener.I would highly recommend Mr Charles Wagner to anybody who needs excellent, experienced and friendly lawyer.Definitely a shinning 5 star rating!

Stephane Li 16:54 16 Jul 19

Hershel and I have worked together for nearly 10 years. He is extremely knowledgeable and will never shy away from a challenge. He has a great ability to read situations and anticipate what may come next. You can always count on Hershel to give you his honest legal opinion on a matter. Time over time his honesty and willingness to succeed for his client has benefited my interests and actions. I would recommend Hershel to anyone seeking legal counsel!

Sven Steindorff 14:23 02 Jul 19

Hershel Sahian joined Wager Sidlofsky LLP earlier in 2019. I have known Hershel professionally and personally for over 15 years. He is very a very patient listener and knowledgeable counsel. If you have legal issues with insurers in Canada or USA or just need some legal advice, give him a call first. I can only recommend Hershel to anyone. His vast legal experience will be on your side from day one you contact him.

Sven Steindorff 14:23 02 Jul 19

Hershel Sahian joined Wager Sidlofsky LLP earlier in 2019. I have known Hershel professionally and personally for over 15 years. He is very a very patient listener and knowledgeable counsel. If you have legal issues with insurers in Canada or USA or just need some legal advice, give him a call first. I can only recommend Hershel to anyone. His vast legal experience will be on your side from day one you contact him.

Alicia Bickle 15:56 24 Jun 19

I live out of Province and was in the market for an estate litigation lawyer in Ontario. Charles Wagner returned my call promptly and was extremely professional over the phone. He was honest with me that he was not the best fit for my case and went above and beyond to provide referrals that he trusted. He was also able to provide an outline of questions that I should ask others about my case. Wonderful service and would definitely recommend to others whose cases fit their profile.

TeddyBarnett1 03:21 21 Jun 19

I had a very productive meeting with Charles Wagner, he provided legal counsel. He is very knowledgeable and experienced lawyer and very honest. He was very helpful and informative, he gave me a lot of valuable advice regarding my litigation case, I recommend him fully.Edward Barnett

Jorge Roldán 01:48 21 Jun 19

I had a very productive meeting with Charles Wagner, he provided legal counsel. He is a very knowledgeable and experienced lawyer and very honest. He was very helpful and informative, he gave me a lot of valuable advise regarding my litigation case, I recommend him.Edward Barnett.

TeddyBarnett1 18:22 20 Jun 19

I had a very productive meeting with Charles Wagner, he provided legal counsel. He is very knowledgeable and experienced lawyer and very honest. He was very helpful and informative, he gave me a lot of valuable advice regarding my litigation case, I recommend him fully.Edward Barnett

17:30 05 Jun 19

We would like to thank Mr. Matthew Stroh and Mr. Charles Wagner for their superb handling of our trust dispute.From the beginning, Matt clearly understood the dynamics in play and was able to articulate and argue the legalities of our position.The case went to mandatory mediation and on that day we were pleased that both Matt and Charles were present.As the negotiations progressed throughout the day, in mid afternoon Charles came up with brilliant strategy that brought this process to a speedy conclusion and secured an agreement with which we were very happy.We would highly recommend this firm, and in particular, Charles Wagner and Matthew Stroh to anyone in need of a strong and assertive litigation team.Christine S.

Ana Allcott 19:03 14 May 19

I met with Charles Wagner and James Dunphy today for a sensitive family matter. They understood immediately the complexities of my situation and could give a number of solutions to help me deal with the issue. It was an efficient and very helpful meeting. I would enthusiastically recommend this firm. Thank you

Joanne Brown 16:34 20 Mar 19

March 20, 2019 after contemplating making this call for many weeks I finally contacted Wagner Sidlofsky seeking advice on how to proceed with obtaining a copy of my fathers will. When I called the receptionist who was very pleasant, asked for some information and told me I would receive a call as soon as someone was available. Within 30 minutes I had the pleasure of speaking to Mr. Charles Wagner. I explained what I was after and throughout our conversation he asked questions of me that I really hadn't thought about. I appreciated the time he took to give me food for thought excellent advice.Mr. Wagners' compassion, professionalism and honesty is very much appreciated. Consoling someone crying on the phone, who he had never met. I am so glad I made the call to this law firm and I am grateful for the conversation that I had with Mr. Wagner.I would definitely contact this law firm again should I require any legal services.Thank you Charles Wagner. You made sense of it all.Kind RegardsJoanne

Areej Mirza 19:38 07 Mar 19

Our estate case was being handled by the firm. Brad Phillips was thorough in his investigation and Charles Wagner gave us direction through the case. The team handling our case - Brad & Aaron, were insightful, thoughtful and hardworking for the entire duration. I believe that they genuinely felt empathetic towards our case.

Liliana Speciale 19:41 28 Feb 19

We were clients of Wagner Sidlofsky LLP for about a year. The service was excellent and Mr. Wagner’s manner of conducting business was at our level of expectation. His team at the law firm was a great support to our litigation. We went through difficult times and Mr. Wagner’s capacity of dealing with our legal issues was great. We would recommend his law firm to everyone, he has the best support in any ways not only legal but also moral, as a friend.Thank you.Anthony P. SpecialeLiliana Speciale

Keith Marshall 16:20 06 Feb 19

David Wagner and Greg Sidlofsky and all of the staff at Wagner Sidlofsky have been exceptional. They have been professional, courteous, patient, knowledgeable and have always had our needs in mind. I wouldn’t hesitate to refer them.

19:42 15 Jan 19

Mr. Wagner was genuinely a big help to me. I appreciated his directness and keeping our conversation on-track so that I'd come away with the information I really needed to proceed. Much appreciated.

David Brook 11:58 24 Sep 18

Charles Wagner and his junior, Matthew Stroh couldn't have been more helpful. They explained everything clearly enough for us to understand our options in full. Thank you.

Fahra Zommers 13:02 20 Jul 18

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Charles Wagner, David Wagner and Kim Gale for the legal services you provided me. I am truly impressed with your legal expertise and your compassion. You were personable, courteous and kind. You are extremely knowledgable, competent and expeditious while still trying to save me money and time. You are honest and fair and your skills at negotiating are outstanding! Words cannot describe how thankful and grateful I am. I would highly recommend your law firm to anyone seeking legal advice or litigation services.

Irwin Meisles 19:32 07 Sep 17

I contacted Mr Wagner for assistance in drafting a will. Despite the fact that Mr Wagner is a Litigator and does not draft wills, he took the time to introduce me to another lawyer. During that conference call , he provided us with extremely valuable advice to avoid future litigation. I greatly appreciate the time and expertise that he provided free of charge. Thank you again Mr Wagner

12:54 06 Jul 17

Charles was very professional, courteous, and honest - everything that one would expect a lawyer to be - when my family and I met with him for a consultation. He provided us with helpful information and described our options in detail, in a very pleasant manner. It would be an absolute pleasure for us to use his services in the future.

21:39 14 Jun 17

At the recommendation of my business partner, I contacted and met with Charles Wagner who showed absolute professionalism and compassion in helping me to deal with stressfull situation to finalize the estate after losing the loved one. Unlike other law offices that I contacted recently, my concerns and questions were laid to rest with competence and straightforward recommendations. The office secretaries are efficient, fast and friendly. Thank you Charles