Online Education developed by the most experienced and trusted team in the industry.
New MexicoThe MM-1 Plumbing License exam must be passed in addition to the Business Law exams. We have the books, courses, and professionals ready to help you pass. All our training is offered in an online self-paced format. Our exam prep is not only designed to help you pass your test the first time, but is also designed to teach you valuable knowledge for your career. The courses are available from almost any device, any time. We hope that you will make RocketCert your home to help you obtain your New Mexico Plumbing Contractor License.
Business LawMM-1 Plumbing Requirements
To apply for your license, contact the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department at 505-476-4500 or visit the New Mexico board of licensing contractors website to submit online.
New Mexico does require 16 hours of continuing education for this license. New Mexico has reciprocity agreements for Journeyman licenses with Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.
With RocketCert, our education is written by a combination of professional educators and industry professionals. We pride ourselves on providing industry leading customer service. Also, if you find a better original price on any online course that we offer, we will beat it by 10%.
Preparing to pass the State exam is a critical part of the licensing process. Failing the exam can result in substantial delays before you are able to work under your license. We offer industry leading exam prep and all of the required books, at an unbeatable price.
PASS THE STATE EXAMAfter studying with RocketCert, you will be on your way to passing the required State exam(s) (see below). Contact PSI at 855-807-3994 to begin this process. Testing centers are setup throughout the State in larger cities.
APPLY FOR YOUR LICENSEOnce you pass your exam you will receive an email with your pass information attached. Mail completed application, required documents, and license fee to the address listed in the application. Have questions or concerns with this process (or just a lack of time)? Learn more about how we can assist with our Application Processing Program.
To schedule your General Contractor exam, visit or call 855-807-3994.
New Mexico Contractors must pass two examinations: MM-1 Plumbing exam and Business and Law exam.
MM-1 Plumbing Exam
Business Law Exam
Topics include: Licensing Requirements; Estimating and Bidding; Business Organization and Financial Management; Tax Laws; Labor Laws; Project Management and Lien Law; Contracts; Risk Management; Environmential and Safety.
Pre-Licensing, Exam Prep, & BooksThe New Mexico exams are open book. The references below are permitted to be tabbed, highlighted, and used during your test!
Online Exam Prep Includes:
Lifetime Online Access to:
Our online exam prep features:
Ideal for students who already own all references
Includes the following courses:
Plus the following:
The Following References are Allowed to be Used During the Exam:
Furthermore, it addresses specific provisions for low flammability refrigerants such as A2L and B2L; which makes it one of the first codes in the industry to address specific provisions for these low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants. Contributions to the content of this code were made by every segment of the built industry, including such diverse interests as consumers, enforcing authorities, installers/maintainers, labor, manufacturers, research/standards/ testing laboratories, special experts and users.
The UMC provides complete requirements for the installation and maintenance of heating, ventilating, cooling and refrigeration systems, while at the same time allowing latitude for innovations and new technologies. Key changes to the 2021 UMC include:
Contributions to the content of this code were made by every segment of the built industry, including such diverse interests as consumers, enforcing authorities, installers/maintainers, labor, manufacturers, research/standards/testing laboratories, special experts and users.
The UPC is designed to provide consumers with safe and sanitary plumbing systems while, at the same time, allowing latitude for innovation and new technologies. Key changes to the 2021 UPC include:
IPT’s Pipe Trades Handbook and Training Manual combine all the essentials of other reference books, plus so much more. Topics include pipe and tube data, valves, fittings, flanges and gaskets, offsets and calculations—the answers to all your questions. You’ll especially appreciate the pipe layout, piping prints, oxy-acetylene set-up, pipe welding and pipe rigging sections, which are easy to understand, yet extremely detailed
There are fire and explosion hazards inherent to working with and around flammable and combustible liquids and gases. NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages, helps mitigate dangers by providing safety criteria for dispensing liquid motor fuels into motor vehicle and marine craft fuel tanks.